Travelers can give advice on destinations, food, hostels, etc. However the mentality of a traveler is not typically on the forefront of your mind when packing to leave. Here are seven unique, helpful tips to help you start to think like a traveler. When you arrive in an unfamiliar place and start your journey, these key reminders will come in handy!
1. Fake it till you make it
Remember when we were kids and adults struggled to explain to us that some lies are good lies? That’s what I am talking about! White lies – they are gold when traveling. Read the room, read the person and if you feel like you need to lie about where you are from or if you have friends with you, DO IT. When I first was in Ecuador, I told some locals that I was from USA and some that I was from Canada to gage their reaction. It allowed me to get to know the general attitude of each place at a that time, which is helpful for a traveler. This is an extreme example, but learn how to sell a lie in case you need to.
2. Be an awesome version of yourself
There is a perk of stepping out of a plane in another city where no one knows you. Its that NO ONE knows you! You can be whoever you want to be as a traveler. You can start new habits, be friends with different people, try new foods and drink on the weekdays. When you walk into a new room of unfamiliar faces in your hostel, your may be nervous, scared and thinking “there is no way these people will vibe with me.” Remember, no one knows you. Start speaking English, smile at others, buy a beer… the things you do is what people will see, and gravitate to! The important thing to find and be your favorite you. Exploring is not only the places you go, it is also about the person you become. Also, its good that seeing new places and cultures def makes your cooler!
3. Be open to make adjustments
It’s common to crave familiarity and consistency. Unfortunately, the world doesn’t revolve around you, so there are some things that will need to change when backpacking across Europe as a traveler. Think about every habit you have and picture yourself stuck in an airport in Budapest. It is likely that habits will need to change, get ready for it. Washing your face with a specific soap and a hand towel may be unlikely. When your luggage gets lost for a few days don’t get mad over soap, you feel? The good thing is it only takes 29 days to start a new habit..
4. Check your shit
If we are lucky, at home we are safe, secure and comfortable. Those things are all put into question when you are a traveler, even if you are with friends that you trust. A tip that should become a habit is to constantly be checking if your belongings are where you put them. Thinking about it enough to zip your jacket pocket could save your phone. Also, literally check your shit (poop). Your body is your best resource to see if you are healthy, listen to it.
5. Find your favorite problem
Everyone’s got problems, but we do have some control over which problems that we want to deal with. Travel is not all fun and wonder, knowing that there will be shit will make it better when it happens to you. Choosing which problems you are most willing to handle is a part of being a traveler. I knew that my decision to travel was a good one when I embraced the inconveniences. Sharing a room with four boys who snore or wearing the same pants for 5 days straight will happen. Ask yourself which problems you want to handle. For me, I gladly chose making my way through an unknown city over family drama, being late to work, my favorite NFL team loosing etc. There will be bullshit, but it is worth it when you find yourself swimming in the Mediterranean. There are no shortcuts to anywhere worth going.
6. Learn how to make a strategic plan
It is natural to want a grasp on a place when visiting for the first time. When trying to prepare for 4 months in South America it look restraint to not book everything online when researching. One of the best things about traveling is that you don’t need to have a plan, what you do next is only up to you. When you make friends or hear recommendations from locals, what you want will likely change. Its crazy to think that you can make the best plan for a new city or country purely by using the internet. There have been many times I actually lost money from booking hostels or trips ahead of time. Purchasing day trips or tours in the city will 99% of the time save you money. With that said, do your research: some things need to be booked, some don’t.
7. Be kind to your future self
We have the ability to think about our future, why not help yourself out a bit. Use some smart planning skills in the moment. If you are going out to a club with the new Brazilians you met, lay out your pjs. If you are super cool and into photography, go through all of your equipment the night before traveling. There are lots of us who already do this but it is important to remember you’re a traveler on the road for weeks at a time. I met a wildlife videographer in the airport on my way to my first destination who reminded me of this tip. There are so many people and places to see in the moment, leave some room for your future self and you’ll be glad that you did!
There are so many awesome tips to have before and during your travels! Here are the top mentality changes that will help when going on a trip, please feel free to let me know what you think and how it may have helped you. Happy travels!